Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Whole Lot of Game Tournaments Going On

A Whole Lot of Game Tournaments Going On

Seems like a whole lot of gaming going on this week: The first International Chess festival in Jerusalem is underway. Check out the funky costumes at the opening ceremonies outside the Old City. The 2008 U.S. National Magic: the Gathering Championship in Chicago. $20,000 worth of prizes to take home, not to mention invitations to Worlds, laptops, Ipods, blah blah. Conneticon is a large comic, sci-fi, and gaming conference in Hartford, CT. Defcon7 in Tulsa. Fandemonium in Idaho. Mechcon i


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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Casemod do Gears of War para Xbox 360

Casemod do Gears of War para Xbox 360

Para os fs do maravilhoso jogo Gears of War para Xbox 360 aqui est a casemod ispirada no game, o case apresenta a logo do Gears com o crnio dentro de uma engrenagem, e ainda tem as luzes vermelhas que ligam quando o console est ligado o que faz o case ser mais bonita ainda! O Cliffy B. (criador do case) o fez usando varias camandas de Bondo (um tipo de massa), depois passou um revestimento de tinta preta para torn-lo o olhar quase to imponente como a primeira vez que voc nunca

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kids Computer Games for Mac

Kids Computer Games for Mac

While visiting a client, I was asked to work on a PC because it was a bit slow. I suspected spyware and sure enough thats what it was. But while working on the PC, or in this, while waiting for the PC to be cleaned the client asked if I by any chance knew of [...]

Travelogue 360: Rome - The Curse of Necklace Mac Game on Explore the city of Rome through 360-degree photographs in this great hidden object mystery! Find objects in famous locations and swap them for clues to solve the mystery of The Curse of the Necklace. Discover some of Romes most popular attractions, including the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, St. Peters Square and many that only the locals know about, including some that are quite mysterious! So, pack your b

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Video\'s vergelijken FIFA 09 met 08

Video\'s vergelijken FIFA 09 met 08

Dat EA Sports een flink aantal beloftes heeft gemaakt voor FIFA 09 moge duidelijk zijn. Niet minder dan 250 aanpassingen aan het spel moeten de game realistischer maken dan je eigen linkerteen. Animaties, reacties van de bal, botsingen, alles zou een stap verder gaan volgens het team. Tot op heden is er nog niet veel materiaal rond dit spel, op enkele screens en een zeer low-quality filmpje na. Nu hebben we iets minder low-quality materiaal voor je van een presentatie waarin de animaties en reac


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